Fire Sprinklers Required By Law

Fire Sprinklers Now Required By Law

Fire Sprinklers Required By Law
Brickell Key, Miami, Florida

The law has not changed with respect to Fire Sprinklers being required in high-rises since Florida Governor Rick Scott made the decision to veto House Bill 653, regarding the Automatic fire sprinklers system in high-rise condominium.

On June 28, 2017 Rick Scott composed a memo to the Secretary of State that included the following statement: “while I am particularly sensitive to regulations that increase the cost of living, the recent London high-rise fire, which tragically took at least 79 lives, illustrates the importance of life safety protections”.

The consequences that followed the vetoing of House Bill 653 require all high-rises in the state of Florida as of December 31, 2019 to provide or install a level of protection equal to or better than a full fire sprinkler system. Read about ELSS – Engineered Life Safety System Installation

The following podcast summarizes the requirements of all Florida high-rise buildings effective December 31, 2019.


by  Community Association Matters.

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