Derrick Brown of Sprinklermatic one of ABC’s 2022 National Craftsmanship Competition Winners

Derrick Brown of Sprinklermatic one of ABC's 2022 National Craftsmanship Competition Winners

Congratulations to Derrick Brown of Sprinklermatic Tampa who was recently recognized among 3 winners for his superior skill, training and safe work practices at the 2022 ABC National Convention Craft Championships in San Antonio, Texas. The annual competition represents more than 175 of the nation’s best carpenters, electricians, pipefitters, plumbers, welders and other construction craft professionals competing for high marks in 15 competitions with skills on display across 12 different crafts. Craft trainees and apprentices travel across the country and are tested on their skill during a six-hour project. 

Derrick Brown of Sprinklermatic at ABC National Convention Awards Ceremony
Ryan Buel & Derrick Brown at the ABC Gulf Coast Chapter Apprenticeship Competition in November 2021

ABC Florida Gulf Coast Chapter sent (5) competitors from the Gulf Coast region to participate in this year’s competition. Derrick advanced to the National level after competing alongside Ryan Buel at the ABC Gulf Coast 4th Year Apprenticeship Competition in November of last year. Our hats off to Ryan Buel of Tampa for the extensive preparation and hard work required to participate in the preliminary competition. Thank you Ryan!

Sprinklermatic is grateful for a growing team of professionals who go above and beyond to maintain a constant focus on education, training and leadership.

“After all the growth and opportunities I’ve had over the years at Sprinklermatic, none of the accomplishments mean as much as the experience of encouraging and helping others learn and grow. As Superintendent, we get to see a lot of incredible work that we can all be proud of. But, our greatest accomplishment as leaders is inspiring and building our future leaders.”  

- Asher Detwiler

Derrick Brown & Asher Detwiler of Sprinklermatic at Craft Championships

Accompanied by his trainer and mentor, Asher Detwiler, the annual competition highlights the achievements of the men and women from across the nation who have exceled in their chosen craft and showcase the future of the construction industry. Showcasing the industries premier skilled trades profession, NCC recognizes the men and women who are building America and highlights the career opportunities that construction can provide, whether to a graduating high school student seeking an alternative to college, a veteran exploring their next chapter after completing military service or an individual rejoining the workforce or seeking a career change.

The story of Derrick Brown is a story of teamwork at its core and perfectly represents Sprinklermatic’s philosophy of respect, hard work, integrity and knowledge. Our field and office team members take great pride in knowing the world is a safer place because of what they do. Are you interested in a career in Fire Protection? Visit our career page for locations and available positions.

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