Sprinklermatic Is Making Strides Against Cancer During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sprinklermatic Is Making Strides Against Cancer During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Welcome to Team Sprinklermatic!

Welcome to our Team Information Page. We’ve formed a Making Strides team because this cause is important to us. We want to help. And raising money in our local American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event is the best way we can do that. We all have different reasons for participating but we share a determination to help save lives from breast cancer.

There are so many ways that the money our team raises helps. It’s helping fund innovative research. It’s providing free information for people dealing with the disease. It’s providing rides to treatment and places to stay for people who have to seek treatment far from home. In short, our money is helping save lives. Consider donating to our team and helping advance the cause.

Ever Padilla & Family
How we Support the American Cancer Society This year we will solicit donations from family, friends, and other supporters. And we promote those on social media, through emails, by word of mouth, and through flyers at work and around our neighborhoods. The success of fundraising events depends on two things – hard work and getting the word out. And we’re out to do both.
Why Do We Support the American Cancer Society Every day, the American Cancer Society helps people take steps to reduce their risk of breast cancer or find it early when it is easiest to treat. They provide free information and services when and where people need it throughout their journey to get well. They are investing in innovative research to find, prevent, and treat breast cancer. Together we can make a difference.
Why Do We Participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Like so many others, breast cancer is a very personal cause for us. It gives us the chance to make a difference and to honor those touched by breast cancer by raising funds for groundbreaking research, and services for people dealing with breast cancer. We believe that there will come a day where the pain caused by breast cancer is a thing of the past.
Marque Jordan & Family
Until that day arrives, we participate to inspire hope to those facing the disease and raising money for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event to help save lives from breast cancer. We hope you’ll consider signing up too.

Opportunities To Participate:

PINK CAR PARADE: On October 24, 2020 the Broward Making Strides will be hosting a drive through PINK Car Parade at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park in Fort Lauderdale from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. Participants are to remain in their vehicles. Decorated cars may enter in the car decorating contest with a chance to win a staycation, at the Hollywood Hard Rock Seminole Hotel and Casino. Visit https://bit.ly/3n1SdRU for information on the Pink Car Parade.

NEIGHBORHOOD WALKS: Neighborhood Walk with your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. We encourage you dress in your most favorite and fun pink let everyone know that you are supporting the breast cancer movement. Be sure to post your videos or pictures on social media and tag us @BrowardMSABC, using the #browardstrides hashtag. Visit https://bit.ly/3n1SdRU for information on Neighborhood Walks.

DEDICATE A TRIBUTE: Purchase or encourage others to purchase the Strides Tribute Bag for $10. Light a candle in honor of or in memory of a friend or loved one who has had cancer, or in support of a Caregiver. Your contribution will help save lives, give hope, and empower people through the American Cancer Society and its lifesaving mission. Visit https://bit.ly/3jsx5Ct for more information on Dedicating a Tribute

Foreman's Meeting 10/16/19 - Davie, FL

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